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The            eObservation & Reporting System

Awareness-Communication-Elimination The ACE CARD

For most of us, one of the hardest things to do is to see someone doing something incorrectly and have the strength, purpose and confidence to tell them so. Culturally, this last point has never been more true because due to beliefs, age, respect, politeness and many other reasons (depending on where we may be working in the world) we fear broaching the's sometimes easier to look away and agree to address it next time. The word 'opportunity' is an important one because having worked in a high hazard, high consequence series of industries for many years I have sadly seen the consequences of the 'opportunity' having not being taken and I have endeavored to correct this across my career whichever country I have found myself working in.


Safe Training Specialists has developed an electronic Observation & Reporting System that is designed to improve the safety of our work colleagues and friends regardless of where you are working or how well we know each other.


The system encourages and promotes an AWARENESS of workplace hazards that need to be considered, a development of the vital COMMUNICATION skills leading up to an ELIMINATION of risk, while simultaneously increasing the collective abilities of our teams to recognise developing hazards and set about mitigating controls. System users are able to record and highlight any observed safety concerns but are also encouraged to reflect examples of good safety practice while incorporating current technology and supporting the elimination of environmental impacting through the unnecessary production of hard copy paperback cards. ​

Additionally, the system has a further important benefit and that in the recognition of positive and safe behaviours and practices by your teams we further encourage a developing engagement when going about their daily business.


Use the system to endorse and recognise safe working standards, the mentored development of new arrivals and professional development of our teams...ultimately, everyone goes home to their families either holding the knowledge that they positively changed someone's life today, or that someone changed ours!  

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By far the best system you could use to prevent accidents and incidents
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​To support you in measuring the safety compliance and awareness levels of your teams (direct employees, temporary employees and visiting support companies) 

Assist you in the evaluation of the safety behaviours of your operational and hazardous work area teams, and where necessary assign corrective actions - improvements​ - additional training - competency development

Provide reactive and swift feedback to the company management team, those submitting the observations and those being reviewed with open transparency




Identify areas, processes and systems that need to be improved​


Recognise achievements and successes of those within your business​

Analyse both positive and negative trending, and in turn stimulate corrective visible actions with engagement by the collective team​


Share your learnings and improvements across multiple locations and operations of your business​

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