Accident / Incident Investigation Training
Course Overview;
This course will provide delegates with a broad understanding of the principles and practice of accident investigation
Training is suitable for Line Managers, Supervisors, Safety Representatives – and anyone with any responsibility for investigating accidents
It will enable organisations to meet their moral and legal obligations to investigate accidents and incidents and learn from safety failures
Our training can be tailored to your individual requirements and processes
What are the moral and legal obligation to investigate accidents and incidents;
RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995)
Power-ST Accident and Incident Investigation training will ensure your organisation meets its moral and legal obligation to investigate accidents and incidents and learn from any safety failure.
Power-ST has found that practical 'role-play' scenarios provides a very positive reinforcement of the training and can be included into your course...please request more detail to see your full potential.
Learning Outcomes;
Broad understanding of accident investigation
How to collect, analyse and communicate data
Robust understanding of RIDDOR
Readily applicable accident investigation procedures
Understanding of strategies to ensure the organisation learns from safety failure
Please contact us for more information or support
"Safety is never a compromise"