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Motivational SAFETY at it's best...a 'must watch'!

I believe this guy to be 'awesome' at his motivational speaking. I was so impressed by his 'poignant message' that I contacted him after I first watched this video. He was very humble, and genuine...good qualities I felt for a man in his role. It's not just 'what' he says, it's the way he delivers something he clearly believes in. What helps in the dynamics is the audience appears attended by partners and spouses of those that work in the oil and gas industry...after all, we are rarely ever working just for ourselves but should always be 'working safely for ourselves and others'...apologies for the cliche!.

When I first came across the video, I watched it several times and I have to be honest and say it touched my sensitivity. I like many others was working offshore on a platform in the North Sea, the harsh, often lonely environment we place ourselves in for our families in order to put 'bread on the table'. Sadly, the message that Alan Sim achieves so well at putting across has unfortunately forced its way into lives of some and as a consequence influenced many.

I recall showing the video at the weekly Safety Meeting, as usual I had to follow the platform Medic's short session where reminders of us all being an 'ageing workforce' sometimes either brought the mood down among the troops or meant I had to start my element in chaos, nonetheless, I felt the importance of the message was necessary and we watched in total silence in a darkened cinema.

At the end of the short film I took some time to bring up the lighting and gave some closing words to the meeting, for those that take time to watch the video, it will become obvious why...I like many that had watched and absorbed the stark similarities unfolding on the screen had let it cross into my life, my time onboard and therefore the potentials associated with my working environment! The 45 'North Sea Bears' filed out of the Safety Meeting in comparative silence that day, the normal loud voiced 'banter' was missing...

Over the next few days I received many visits to my office or snatched conversations in the corridors from those that had attended. In all my time of doing what I do I had never had such positive feedback on a 12 minute video.

For anyone reading this 'blog' who may be in a position of responsibility for the safety of others I implore you you grasp this opportunity of a 'FREE' training session. Do what I did and show the video to your teams, groups or individuals...the message is the same for everyone despite it being based around working offshore and having the perceived luxury of taking helicopters to work.

...and for those that don't think there are similarities...If someone does not wear their seatbelt while driving, or, someone in the factory is driving a forklift while still under the influence from the previous night out, or, someone is smoking in a 'non-assigned area'...the message suits all.


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